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Sunday, May 19th, 2024 7:40 PM


Switching between data options on Gen5 plans

When I was on the Gen4 plan, I could switch between any data option at any time, and the new option would take effect immediately and that's what I would be billed for at the end of the month (the only exception being I could not switch to a by-the-gig option that was fewer GB than I had already used during that bill cycle.)

I am trying to understand how this works on the Gen5 plan. I have gotten contradictory information from support about what is and is not possible, and when changes take effect.

In Gen5 there are just three options:

  • By-the-Gig
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited Plus

When am I allowed to change between these plans, and when would the change take effect?

I've tried to figure this out by scouring the Xfinity Mobile website, talking to customer service, and experimenting with my own account. (You would think this would be clearly documented somewhere, but it is not.)

This is how I *think* it works, but I am hoping someone from Xfinity will confirm:

  • By-the-Gig -> Unlimited: Can do any time, takes effect immediately and billed for Unlimited at end of month.
  • By-the-Gig -> Unlimited Plus: Can do any time, takes effect immediately and billed for Unlimited Plus at end of month.
  • Unlimited -> By-the-Gig: Can do any time, but change does not take effect until first day of the next billing cycle. Current cycle still billed as Unlimited.
  • Unlimited-> Unlimited Plus: Can do any time, takes effect immediately and billed for Unlimited Plus at the end of month.
  • Unlimited Plus -> By-the-Gig: Can do any time, but change does not take effect until first day of the next billing cycle. Current cycle still billed as Unlimited Plus.
  • Unlimited Plus -> Unlimited: Can do any time, but change does not take effect until the first day of the next billing cycle. Current cycle still billed as Unlimited Plus.

Is that correct? Can someone from Xfinity confirm?


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9 months ago

Hello ribbitribbit, our Mobile customers till have the flexibility to switch Data options at any time, and you'd see that change go into effect immediately. The change would be reflected on your following statement. Have you already changed data options, or looking to change? 


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@XfinityMarcos​ thanks for responding to me!

I'm not looking to do anything (right now) other than learn more about how the fifth generation plans work.

It's confusing. For example, on this page https://www.xfinity.com/mobile/support/article/frequently-asked-questions under "Will I be able to switch between the Unlimited tiers on the go?" it says that only some plan changes take effect immediately and others don't take effect until the start of the next billing cycle.

But here https://www.xfinity.com/mobile/learn/plan/details?INTCMP=ILC:plan_unl it says "Make adjustments whenever you need."

Last month, I *did* try to make some plan changes mid-cycle and it seems to be the case there is a "hierarchy" of the fifth generation plans, like this:

  1. By-the-Gig
  2. Unlimited
  3. Unlimited Plus

and it seemed like if you want to go from a lower-"ranked" plan to a higher plan, that is effective immediately, but going from a higher plan to a lower plan can only be scheduled to take effect at the start of the next billing cycle. But, this isn't clearly documented anywhere, and different Xfinity reps have given me different answers when I ask about it... so I am hoping to get something conclusive.


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Thank you I want to be sure I understand, you would like to lower your plan and want to ensure you are able to at any time? 

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@XfinitySheila​ I'm just asking what the rules are for switching between data options on the fifth generation plans.

On the fourth generation plans, I was able to switch between any of the data options at any time, and the change took effect immediately (with the only exception that it was not allowed to switch to a by-the-gig option with fewer GB than had already been used that month.)

On the fifth generation plans, it is not at all clear what changes are allowed and when. The information posted on Xfinity websites seems contradictory, and I have gotten different answers to the same question from different customer service reps.

For example, different reps have told me:

  • Switching is the same on the gen5 plans as gen4. I can switch between any plans at any time and it takes effect immediately.
  • Switching from either unlimited plan to the by-the-gig plan can only be scheduled to take effect at the start of the next cycle. Switching between unlimited tiers always takes effect immediately.
  • ALL changes can only be scheduled to take effect at the start of the next billing cycle; no changes can take effect in the middle of a month.
  • Can switch from unlimited to unlimited plus immediately, but switching from unlimited plus to unlimited can only be scheduled for the start of the next billing cycle.

I just want to know how switching works on the fifth generation plans. On the fourth generation it was easy to understand; I could make any change I wanted at any time. It seems like this may no longer be the case for the fifth generation plans, which is fine -- I just want to know what the new rules are.


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ribbitribbit Gotcha!

Yes, you can switch between Unlimited tiers (e.g. Unlimited to Unlimited Plus) using the Xfinity app, over the phone, or in an Xfinity Retail Store.

  • If upgrading tiers, you will see the change in your bill and service immediately.
  • If downgrading tiers, you will see the change take effect at the start of your next billing cycle.
  • You will see only the Unlimited tiers associated with your current plan when you log in to the Xfinity app.


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@XfinitySheila​ great! And what if I want to switch between unlimited and by-the-gig?

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