Friday, December 8th, 2023 9:54 PM


VISA card incentive not received

Switched 3 Mobile phones to Xfinity Mobile on 25-May 2023 from T-Mobile part of $300 per line promotion, ( $200 for porting each number and $100 for each T-mobile customer)  . Its been 6+ months. When raised the ticket in Nov 2023, received $200 VISA card and ticket was closed without completing the request. Did not receive remaining for other lines and $100 for current line ( $700 not received as promised).  Already sent several emails and no response.



31.2K Messages

1 year ago


At any time during the 90 day waiting period did you make any changes at all to the service or plan?

3 Messages

No changes were made since i switched to xfinity. same plan from day 1.

Problem Solver


1.3K Messages

@ganand73 When the ticket was closed, did they provide details on why you were only provided the $200 card? 

I no longer work for Comcast.

3 Messages

No information was provided at the time of closing, even while closing the ticket, the only message i received ' your ticket has been closed and no information about action taken on my ticket'. I received $200 few days later. I went to Xfinity store nearby and they are also not able to do anything because they say incentives are handled by different department and I have to call them and follow up. The same Xfinity store  is the one who sold me this promotional offer in May 2023. No response for any email so far from incentive department. Call is always automated message and no use. 

Any promotional deal with Xfinity has no way to track back because it seems nothing is documented against our account. We all believe what they offer in the store with banners , advertisement and sign a deal. They are all very generic statements and advertisement. They tell you that you will receive some VISA card after 3 months and we don't have to do anything because its all on their system.

After 3 months, nobody can find anything from our account.  I told few of my friends who got attracted about their promotional deals to wait and decide from my experience. As a customer , you will eventually tired of following up with no response and give up like in my case.

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

@ganand73 Have you reached out directly to the Xfinity Mobile Team? They can launch an investigation on this for you. You can contact the  Xfinity Mobile support center via any of the following methods:
• SMS Text Message: 888-936-4968
• Phone: 888-936-4968
Direct Chat

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