Thursday, October 26th, 2023 3:39 AM


Why does xfinity continue to violate CTIA standards of max 48 hours to Unlock SIM for owned devices?

I can see there are several comments out here without resolution as to why a device purchased at a xfinity store comes defaulted to "Carrier Lock = Sim Lock" to them as carriers?  I have waited for 4 days and have spent over 15 hours on technical support (both by phone & chat) to be without my phone number working that I have had for 27 years because they refuse to complete ticket number ECM0004445776.  Being in IT for 30 years, I decided to copy all of the chat sessions where agents repeatedly pass you to others, lye and do anything to get around letting your phone be released.   

Being a member of CTIA represents the U.S. wireless communications industry and companies throughout the mobile ecosystem.  I would assume you would do everything in your power not to violate the SLA of 48 hours to release a customer from your network!!

Please live by the CTIA standards!  

Official Employee


2.9K Messages

1 year ago

Thank you for reaching out and letting us know how your experience has been with the unlock process @user_14h1zd In most case devices being unlock is a quick and easy process but as in your case there can be a delay from time to time. Have you checked your email for unlock instructions? 

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