7 Messages
Xfinity Customer service is getting careless
I got a 15 in December for the wife, I got her 13, the daughter got my 11, you would think the number transfer would have been simple, naaa, I owe 600 dollars now, why, because some idiot that set up my iPhone 13 put 2 numbers on my phone, one line I have had forever, and a number I didn’t want, ask for, or mean to use, I had 2 lines unlimited, and they think I used 0 gigs of data on my number with unlimited, and 20 on the number without unlimited of course, which I didn’t know until I got my [Edited: Language] bill, you would think after 6 years of being a customer I would be treated well, naaa, they offered me 150.00 off their mistake. I’m just done, these reps act like xfinity is the only phone company out there, and I have bought 4 iPhones from the [Edited: Language]. And I don’t care if y’all can see my number, the sh!t shut off anyway.
[Edited: Personal Information in Photo]
Official Employee
4.2K Messages
1 year ago
Hello, @user_3ppmya! Thanks for reaching out to us on the forums! I apologize to hear of the issues you have been having with your Xfinity Mobile and would like to see if we can get this moving in the right direction for you. Since it has been a few days have you reached back out to our Xfinity Mobile line to try to get this resolved? If you did was it by phone or chat?
7 Messages
1 year ago
Finally found someone that is able to do basic math at xfinity, took 3 months, but I finally got 125.99 off my balance, since ya know, I did give xfinity the money, so let’s give xfinity a golf clap, yeyyy