2 Messages
Xfinity Mobile account canceled after making $440 Payment
I had a repayment plan with Xfinity mobile, when they sent payment through it was for the entire amount not the repayment plan amount agreed which resulted in the charge being declined which also resulted in my service being suspended on Dec.24 2023. So I in turn paid $440 on Dec. 27 2023 and was told that the service would be restored in 2 hours and that I could pay $158.70 on Jan. 4 2024. Well my service did not get restored and I chatted with an agent who stated " as per previous agent, you were promised, that re-payment plan was applied so I have successfully restore the service and it will be back on within 10 mins." well needless to say that did not happen either, so once again i chatted with an agent who stated " as I fetched your account your services are already good to go" and I let them know that my phone says SOS and the service is not on, I was told :you need to restart your device." still no service. So I proceeded to call customer service who informed me that I would need to pay the $158.70 to restore service, I told them I could pay it by Jan. 4 2024 but tried to pay it today 2 days early, well it would not accept my payment so I called customer service yet again now I am told that the system automatically closed my account on Dec, 28 2023 and that I needed to pay $919 to pay off devices and restore service. I mean really you have got to be joking me, but here I sit still with no service?????????
Problem Solver
1.3K Messages
1 year ago
@deeh15 Hello, thanks for sharing what happened with the mobile account. I would like to see if we can help make this right. Please send us a direct message with your full name and service address.
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