2 Messages
Xfinity mobile charged me a $8000 high data roaming fee!!!
Xfinity mobile charged me a $8000 high data roaming fee!!! I tried to call them to dispute the bill, but they told me that the charge was valid. This past November, I was traveling to Guam and stayed there for only one night, and in about 3 hours, they charged me about an $8000 data roaming fee.
Most importantly, I think this was not my fault because: 1) Guam is part of the US territories, so I did not know I would be charged differently. 2) I did not receive the warning message about Guam being outside of the US and that they will charge me differently; 3) The data roaming option on my phone had been turned off when I was in Guam; 4) I had connected my phone to the wifi when I got to the Hotel; 5) I did not receive any warning that my phone was charged a very high data roaming fee.
First, I want to ask people here what I should do to dispute this super-high bill.
Second, I want to ask people here if Xfinity should charge their customers such a data roaming fee at all? After all, anyone here could become of such a consuming trap set by the company. Even though I tried very hard, I still could not avoid it. Please share what you think. I really appreciate it!
I also asked them why they did not apply for the international travel pass automatically, and they said they could not do it. I said there are two choices: 1) pay the $8000 data roaming fee; 2) automatically apply for the international travel pass if people did not turn off their phones. Which one customers will choose?
Official Employee
2.1K Messages
1 year ago
Hello @user_3m17bk, I would be pretty surprised to see a bill like that after getting home, so I can only imagine what went through your mind. Due to account security, our options with Xfinity Mobile accounts are very limited. We're unable to perform any device or account specific requests over this platform. Have you tried to work with our dedicated Chat Team regarding this bill?