Xfinity Support's profile

Official Employee


88 Messages

Monday, December 10th, 2018 12:00 PM


ANSWERED: Where can I get a printable Xfinity channel lineup?

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​Where can I get a local printable Xfinity channel lineup?​

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​***Created by our Community***​

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​You can get a copy of your lineup online at ​​​​ or ​​​​. From there you will see the option to "Print".​

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​A lineup may also have been included with one of your recent bills -- check ​​​​.​

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​Service Centers should have printed channel lineups. Check locations and hours at ​​​​ to pick one up, or call Customer Service at 1-800-Comcast and have them send a lineup to you.​

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​For more details, see here: ​​​

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​To request a Braille or large print TV channel lineup, contact the Comcast Accessibility Support Center for Customers with Disabilities by emailing ​​​​.​

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