1 Message
Port forwarding not working
I am trying to do a few port forwarding for my NAS and I am not able to proceed.
When I log onto the Xfi app, I can see all the devices on the network except for my NAS.
I saw it must be on Ipv4 instead of Ipv6, which I did. I still can't see it in the options to choose from.
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
9 months ago
Greetings, @user_o4akr6! I hope your week has been treating you well. Thanks so much for taking a moment out of your busy day to leave a post on our community forum. I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with port forwarding, but you have definitely come to the right place for assistance.
Was your NAS visible before this, or are you setting it up for the first time?