I am watching Xfinity Streaming service on a Samsung Smart TV. How do I find the Xfinity Channel Guide?
Since they dropped the Mini-Guide from some Stream app devices, the only "Channel Guide" in the Stream app on my Samsung TV is the list I reach by [Returning] [up] to the first Stream screen ("Now Playing"), [selecting] "Live TV", and then scroll-scroll-scrolling through the channels. "Saved", "Browse", "Search", and "Settings" are also options on that screen. In a web browser you can check https://www.xfinity.com/stream/listings and https://www.xfinity.com/learn/channel-lineup.
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@user_jrdepj Thank you so much for your post for help with locating the Guide option in the Xfinity stream app on your Samsung Smart TV. To start I would recommend checking to make sure your Samsung Smart TV is compatible with the Stream app here. https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/activating-xfinity-stream-smarttvs Some unsupported devices may be able to download the app but would not have full functionality using the app. In most menus, the guide can be found under "Live TV" on some menus you may need to access the Now Playing option to locate the Live TV selection. Once you select Live TV you may be asked what filters you want like HD. Please note: The LG Magic Remote cursor and wheel functionality are not currently supported on the Xfinity Stream app. Use the up-down-left-right arrows to navigate and press the center of the wheel to make selections.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
1 year ago
Since they dropped the Mini-Guide from some Stream app devices, the only "Channel Guide" in the Stream app on my Samsung TV is the list I reach by [Returning] [up] to the first Stream screen ("Now Playing"), [selecting] "Live TV", and then scroll-scroll-scrolling through the channels. "Saved", "Browse", "Search", and "Settings" are also options on that screen. In a web browser you can check https://www.xfinity.com/stream/listings and https://www.xfinity.com/learn/channel-lineup.
Please be aware that there are 2 kinds of responses in this Forum: Replies and Comments. When you Comment on a post by scrolling down to "Comment on this post here...", I am notified of your response. But if you select Reply, I am NOT notified and may not be aware of your response.
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
1 year ago
@user_jrdepj Thank you so much for your post for help with locating the Guide option in the Xfinity stream app on your Samsung Smart TV. To start I would recommend checking to make sure your Samsung Smart TV is compatible with the Stream app here. https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/activating-xfinity-stream-smarttvs Some unsupported devices may be able to download the app but would not have full functionality using the app. In most menus, the guide can be found under "Live TV" on some menus you may need to access the Now Playing option to locate the Live TV selection. Once you select Live TV you may be asked what filters you want like HD. Please note: The LG Magic Remote cursor and wheel functionality are not currently supported on the Xfinity Stream app. Use the up-down-left-right arrows to navigate and press the center of the wheel to make selections.