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2 Messages

Sunday, June 28th, 2020 9:00 AM


Error 500

I have been getting an error 500 for the past few days on my roku xfinity stream app. I have uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail.

Accepted Solution

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1 Message

4 years ago

After MUCH frustration trying to reach the proper support person at Xfinity, and after not finding the answer to this question online, I finally resolved it via Xfinity Tier Two support. 


The following solved the error code 500 on both of my remote TVs:


(1) Remove the Xfinity streaming app from your Roku device.


(2)  Disconnect your router from your cable modem.  Have Xfininity send a signal to the modem with an update which will cause your modem to reboot.  You can also do this through their automated support via the My Account app for Xfinity.  You might also just try rebooting the modem and spare yourself the update process.


(3)  Reconnect your router to your modem once the modem fully reboots and shows that it is connected to the internet.


(4)  Reinstall the Xfinity App on your Roku.  You'll need to re-input your credentials and go through the verification process via the web.


(5)  Your Xfinity Streaming app should now work perfectly.



24.6K Messages

5 years ago

@Terps19 wrote:
I have been getting an error 500 for the past few days on my roku xfinity stream app. I have uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail.

power unplug the roku then power unplug the gateway/modem for 2-3 minutes. restart the modem/gateway and when it is up plug in the roku. working now?

Official Employee


196 Messages

5 years ago

Hi @Terps19 thank you for reaching out to us on Xfinity Forum. Do you happen to have a linked old account that could have caused login issue? And if possible, could you please share more specific error messsage or a picture of the error screen? 

New Poster


1 Message

4 years ago

Thank You for taking the time to post this!! It worked!!

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1 Message

4 years ago

Worked beautifully! If only I didn't have to spend hours on the phone for two days with Xfinity (who blamed the issue on Roku) before I saw your post!!

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1 Message

4 years ago

This worked great! Took less than 5 min to actually solve after weeks of troubleshooting and 50 min the phone with Xfinity. I’m still waiting on my call from Tier Two support....

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1 Message

4 years ago

Thank you! - Manually Unplugging Power for 30 seconds and Plugging Modem Back In Resolved my issue.  😉


FYI: I still had to re-authorize the device again afterward.

New Poster


1 Message

4 years ago

Per above replies I tried the simplest first: with the TV (with Roku “stick”) turned off (which drops power to the Roku, (the way we have it set up) via USB), I just did the following:


  1. Removed low voltage power from the cable-internet modem.

  2. Removed low voltage power from the WiFi router.

    After ~ 2-3 min:

  3. Reapplied power to the cable-internet modem,& waited for it to be fully booted up (per its indicator lights).

  4. Reapplied power to the WiFi router & waited for it to be fully booted up (per its indicator lights).

  5. Turned on TV (with Roku “stick”); Issue Resolved without needing to re-authorize.

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