Fish570's profile

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2 Messages

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020 1:00 PM


Xfinity stream keeps asking if I’m still watching, it’s annoying!

In the middle of watching TV the xfinity stream app keeps asking me if I’m still watching then disconnects me if i don’t respond! How do I stop this stupid annoying pop up screen from interrupting my viewing?



24.6K Messages

5 years ago

@Fish570 wrote:
In the middle of watching TV the xfinity stream app keeps asking me if I’m still watching then disconnects me if i don’t respond! How do I stop this stupid annoying pop up screen from interrupting my viewing?

on what device are you seeing this message? (TV/roku/desk/laptop/smart phone/tablet)? I've never had that happen. how much idle time passes before you get the message? what do you have to do to clear the message (specifically). what happens if you do not respond to the prompt?

New Poster


10 Messages

check your bandwith saver in setting on your tv, i have Roku and smart Magnavox and turn OFF , this worked for bot tv's

Regular Visitor


3 Messages

5 years ago

I'm having this same issue on a Roku Smart TV. There is no rhyme or reason to the amount of "idle time" that transpires before this gray box pops up and covers the whole screen. It's beyond annoying if I've gone into another room during a commercial only to return to see the start screen in the Xfinity Streaming App -  and it takes forever to get back to the program I was watching so I usually miss something along the way. This is a relatively new development (within the last 6 months) on the app and it is totally unacceptable. Please do let us know how to turn this off!

New Poster


10 Messages

check your bandwith saver in setting on your tv, i have Roku and smart Magnavox and turn OFF , this worked for bot tv's

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

This just started on my Roku tv as well! I pay a lot of money for cable! I want to watch my programming uninterrupted! I pay and I have to watch ads and now this! This is an unacceptable amount of greed on Comcast's part! Fix this!

New Poster


10 Messages

check your bandwith saver in setting on your tv, i have Roku and smart Magnavox and turn OFF , this worked for bot tv's

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

I found the solution. I had to go to my Roku TV's settings and turn off bandwidth saver. They must have turned it on by default in one of the recent updates. UPDATE: I WAS WRONG ITS STILL DOING IT. 😭

New Poster


10 Messages

check your bandwith saver in setting on your tv, i have Roku and smart Magnavox and turn OFF , this worked for bot tv's

go back to home then back to settings and make sure it is checkmarked OFF , first time it auto went back to on

Regular Visitor


3 Messages

5 years ago

That doesn’t resolve the Xfinity stream issue - only other apps you’re streaming. Xfinity has their own annoyance that cannot be turned off. I was told this by a CS rep at Comcast.

New Poster


10 Messages

go to XI box setting and make sure it is turned off , worked on my X1box after multiple tries

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1 Message

4 years ago

First off, yes, it is set to 5 hours for the screensaver. I have called Comcast twice, no help.

I have Xfinity Home Security. This happens to me when I am trying to view an event on the TV. That horrible dreaded box comes up, and there is nothing you can do. It gives you an option of clicking ok, which throws you right out of your video, or youc an do nothing and wait 60 seconds to be thrown out of your video. That would be annoying enough, but once you go back into your video, there are no FF or RW options, so you have to watch all over again to just be thrown out again. It's getting to be maddening.

New Poster


10 Messages

go to XI box setting and make sure it is turned off , worked on my X1box after multiple tries

New Poster


10 Messages

4 years ago

check your bandwith saver in setting on your tv, i have Roku and smart Magnavox and turn OFF , this worked for bot tv's

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