1 Message
Xfinity Streaming App on Apple TV - Problems with Guide
Issue #1:
Context: Watching a channel and would like to change the channel.
Action: The online documentation says that I should swipe left (or right) on the remote touch pad to get the guide. DOES NOT WORK.
Unacceptable Solution: The only way I can get the guide is to press menu. When the guide displays, vidio and audo for the current watched channel discontinues (probably by design), the current channel selection is "up" to channels from the currently watched channel (it's reproducible).
Issue #2:
Context: Guide is being displayed and would like to simply go back to the current watched channel
Action: Nothing seems to get me back to the currnet channel
Unacceptable Solution: While in the guide, scroll down to the channel you WERE watching and select it, then select the watch button and click.
Apple TV model: A1625 (32 GB)
Problem Solver
1.1K Messages
2 years ago
@user_a6adb1 Thank you for reaching out to the Digital Care Team. It sounds like the app is working as intended. We appreciate your feedback on what could work better though. As for navigation of the app, the online guidance states "swipe left to right to open the main navigation, and tap All Channels under Live TV." This is to open the menu, not open the guide. You will need to press menu to do so. There are two ways to select a show, tap the network logo on the left to begin streaming that channel. You can also tap the program airing now and then tap Watch.