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3 Messages
Xfinity Stream DVR issues
So , have had stream for years. All worked well. But last few months it’s all bad. Especially when I stream DVR shows over stream app on iPhone 13 or 11 or iPad. Over WiFi (and five different networks) and LTE. The DVR show will (alter a few minutes or if I fast forward) video freeze and just audio will play. I can’t get video to return. Especially Dvr of live shows like sports. Xfinity customer service useless. They did all diagnostics and claim it’s Apple issue or my issue. No. I get some glitching even on STB. Anyone else. ? Any solutions?
Frequent Visitor
22 Messages
11 months ago
Same with me. It's an Icloud issue but rather than fix it at their end It's easier to just tell subscribers to refresh. Get short freezes on TV. Picture freezes on iPad and sound runs behind phone which is under Comcast phone plan.