1 Message
excessive internet usage
I have never used more than half of my allotted internet usage limit and suddenly were notified I am exceeding my 1024 limits. There have been no changes in my hardware
configuration and my modem only shows 5 connections - none of which use anywhere near what comcast says I amusing
According to comcast usage history, my internet usage has increased drastically in the last 3 months without any changes in connections or new uses by me
What can I do to monitor my usage or check where the excess is coming from?
Official Employee
1.3K Messages
6 months ago
Hello, @user_t1u3bn! Thank you for taking the time to post your questions about these changes you're seeing in data usage. I totally understand wanting to keep track of usage and avoid going over the allotted data if you don't pay for Unlimited Data already. Here are some great places to start: What counts towards my data plan? and How can I find out how much data I currently use or see my monthly data history? Please let me know if these help!
107.1K Messages
1 month ago
Please create a new topic of your own here on this board detailing your issue. Thanks. The original poster has not returned. 5-month-old dead thread is now being closed.
For future reference, it is better to submit your own post as it creates a ticket to get help, and posting on someone else's older thread can delay getting help.