2 Messages
Internet is constantly spiking/dropping
I've had Xfinity for over 3 years in my current apartment and about a month ago I started to get random drops in the day. This got worse and worse, so I bought a new modem and set it all up. Now, I have internet, but it is spiking like crazy. Streams video fine, but when playing games, I am rubber banding a lot. When looking at my connection via the task manager, the graph is going up and down like crazy. I got a new modem to try and fix this which is a Hitron CODA56, and it still exists.
107.1K Messages
4 months ago
Is there a router / WiFi in the mix here ? If so, for a test, can you connect directly to the Coda 56 with an ethernet cable and see if you still have the problem.