Wednesday, September 4th, 2024 4:50 AM

port forwarding not working.

When I setup port forwarding in the app, I choose the computer Barton_Laptop. I set up the ports to forward and hit Next. In the Port Fowarding screen, it shows that the "Reserved IP Address:" is It is not working, so I go to the connected devices screen and "Barton_Laptop" is listed in "Device details" as

In investigating further, I found that the laptop has three ports the dock (Mac ending in 20:2c, typically gets, but sometimes gets 30 or 23), the wired port on the laptop (Mac ending in 5C:39, typically gets, and the wifi (Mac ending in 61:45, typically gets So, I connect each one in sequence and add a name to each device found: Laptop-dock, Laptop-wired, and Laptop-wifi, and verify the individual Mac addresses. 

Now I restart the modem and the laptop with wifi disabled and only the dock connected. I delete all of the existing port forwards (to for some reason). If I log into the router directly, I can see that laptop-wired is "reserved", but I have seen it change. it is now So, I go and look at the port forwards and now they are pointing to I'm very confused. Restart everything again, disable wifi, now the laptop-dock is and so is the port forwarding reserved address. I can play now because it will work...for now. It seems to change nearly every time the laptop goes into hibernation. 

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3 months ago

@user_g30q3k Our Xfinity Wireless Gateways have limited access to port-forwarding since we enabled Advanced Security a few years back. Have you had the opportunity to reach out to the laptops manufacturer for assistance with the laptop changing after being shutdown or going into hibernation? 

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