Monday, October 21st, 2024 8:47 PM

Port Forwarding not working.

When I try to access the port forwarding tab on the xfi app, I get a message saying "Something Unexpected Happened". I already looked for a solution and found out you can access the tab properly via the AI assistant. However, when I access it using that method I just get a message saying "Sorry, we're having trouble gathering a list of your port forwards". I read on another thread that some routers have port forwarding disabled. I have an XB7, so is port forwarding disabled? and if it isn't, what can I do about this

Official Employee


943 Messages

1 month ago


user_t0cv73 Thank you so much for reaching out to us here today with your questions! You can find instructions for setting up port forwarding on your Xfinity Gateway modem at the following link https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/port-forwarding-xfinity-wireless-gateway. Please let me know if you have any troubel with the process. 


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