2 Messages
Port Forwarding
I am trying to setup port forwarding for a few devices that use 41000 TCP/UDP ---These communicate with other devices world wide. I have never had an issue with this port with prior ISP's. When I use the Xfinity APP to set this port up I get:
The Port Number must be between 1 and 40000 or between 41001 and 65535
I have set up different ports on my server which work fine however this has me stumped. Also I cannot get into the Gateway-(Xfinity XB7) with the normal (Username) admin and (Password) password---Not sure why as I never set this up myself.
Setting up port 41000 has never been an issue in the past. (With Other Providers)--
Is this something that needs to be done within the Menu Systems within the Gateway?
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
4 months ago
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