1 Message
Ring Devices Won't Connect
Ring doorbell and cameras originally connected just fine to my internet, now they won't and I've tried for hours to get them to connect. Nothing (that I'm aware of) has changed with my internet. The modem I have is the same one I've always had with Xfinity. Has anyone else had this issue? The devices will connect to non-Xfinity providers just fine.
Official Employee
4.1K Messages
28 days ago
Hey, user_i935wr! Thanks for reaching out to us on the forums! I apologize to hear of the issues you are running into with trying to get your devices to reconnect to your network. Do you know if Advance Security was recently enabled on your modem? I wonder if this could be blocking your Ring devices. For more information about Advance Security have a look into this article: Use Xfinity xFi Advanced Security
I would do a quick test and just disable it all together and see if they connect. If they connection then reenable it and see if they stay connected.