


January 18th, 2022

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followed 's post

5 months ago

I am not able to Live Stream on my Apple iphone 13. I get the error code above with the message ‘sorry something went wrong’ everywhere I have tried to log in, including my home. i spent over an hour with chat assistant with no help! if I try to log in through the channels provider app, i get a

commented on 's post

5 months ago

I am not able to Live Stream on my Apple iphone 13. I get the error code above with the message ‘sorry something went wrong’ everywhere I have tried to log in, including my home. i spent over an hour with chat assistant with no help! if I try to log in through the channels provider app, i get a


this app is the worst. why can’t these morons post a fix here so we can fix it on our own


joined community.

January 18, 2022

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